How to pitch to get what you want

Pretty much every “lucky” thing that has happened in my career started as a pitch.

I got a job as an editorial assistant in a big New York publishing house WITHOUT an Ivy League degree OR an internship, because I researched and found the email of the editor hiring for the position. I bypassed HR by cold pitching to get the first interview. A combination of savvy, dogged determination, and yes, a little luck that I guessed the email correctly.

Then I pitched myself fearlessly again and again through 2 interviews and a project. I didn’t stay an editor, but the connections I made have helped my writing career.

I pitched Literary Horoscopes to an editor at Random House who I had worked with before, by inviting her out after work and offering her the idea. This led to more writing projects.

People love to be invited out, by the way, as long as you’re truly offering them something and not asking to “pick their brain.” People are rarely too cool to want to be your friend or be included in fun things. Your energy needs to be clean (not desperate/needy/pushy) and it should be clear that you’re happy to hang out with them regardless of what happens career-wise.

Almost every podcast interview, IG live, guest post or freelance article, or other collaboration I have done: I pitched them.

Editors and podcasters freaking LOVE you making their job easy by providing them with content. ❤️

My current collaboration with the Heart Rose Club. I pitched the owner to do in-person astrology readings because I saw that she had other intuitive readers on site. She was very busy, so I followed up consistently in a friendly way. In our astrology meeting, I pitched her on my marketing skills. Twofer: a marketing job where I get to also be an astrologer. 💫

Don’t wait to get picked! That’s not how it works. Pitch, pitch, pitch.

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