Create a life of love, pleasure, and abundance
with astrologer and coach Brittany Pastuhov

Begin living la bella vita.
Open the way for pleasure and ease, and fall in love with your life (and maybe someone else too!)
This is THE magical immersion for cosmic queens to create the joyful life of their dreams.
Hello beautiful.
Are you ready to create a life where you have abundance and ease, pleasure, and time for love?
Let me show you a different way of achieving your desires, one that lets you attract what you want and realize your deepest dreams from a place of inspiration.
Prepare your stunning self to step through Venus’ gates of divine feminine power and intentionally upgrade your life so that you experience daily joy.
You will discover your personal relationship with Venus, develop the confidence that comes from authentic self-love, and learn how to identify what truly brings you pleasure, so that you can step into the flow of true abundance.
Yes, Enroll Me Now!
The Venus Codes
Is for cosmic queens who are ready to slow down the hustle and start expecting more out of life.
This charming soiree has an invitation for you if you are…
A high-achieving, recovering perfectionist who desperately desires relaxation
A former people-pleaser who is learning how to put herself first and center her pleasure
An ambitious go-getter who is tired of always being in her masculine and longs to connect with the intuitive knowing and creativity of her feminine
A mystical being who desires passion and lasting love, and is totally on board for a life of easeful joy to boot
What are you craving?
The freedom to play and create like you used to?
Time to indulge, let go, luxuriate, and enjoy life?
Gorgeous, look no further.
I am hosting a Venusian self-love soiree that is going to open the portal to a timeline of expansive joy and divine ease.
Think upgrading to the wardrobe of your dreams, giving yourself the time to kick back and soak up some sun, and enjoying the best orgasms of your life, because you love yourself too much to settle.
Imagine constantly making effortless connections, having the right people simply arrive in your sphere, and receiving unexpected gifts of abundance.
This is not just fantasy. This is the reality that is available to you here.
Yes, Enroll Me Now!
Picture this…
--> You're ready to not only accept and love yourself deeply, but worship every part of you. Think sexy solo dance parties where you feel uber-confident, giving yourself spontaneous dates with a partner (or yourself!), and treating yourself to a luxurious spa day just because.
--> You call in love, and dating becomes fun! Whether it's fanning the flames with your current partner or finding someone new, you open the doors and receive unlimited opportunities to experience flirtation, passion, and love with another.
--> You're finally releasing the perfectionism and overwork, and opening up to more pleasure -- think nightly orgasms, lazy weekend mornings in bed, sumptuous meals and weekly fresh flowers. You're becoming that relaxed, fun person you always wanted to be!
--> Letting it be easy--financially and emotionally--to upgrade your clothes, jewelry, hair, and experiences so that you are embracing the abundance all around you.
--> Abundance flowing into your reality in the form of extra money, unexpected gifts from loved ones, and tables overflowing with delicious food and wine in good company.
--> Taking so much time for self-care on the daily that you no longer need an annual vacation just to reset your energy--your cup is always full.
--> Coming up with your best, most creative and lucrative idea while enjoying a long, languid walk in nature, and easily bringing it to fruition.
Trust me, when you get in the flow and allow for it, everything becomes infinitely easier!
You don't have to sacrifice anything to have this beautiful life.
You get to have it all, queen.
“I joined The Venus Codes because I wanted to find my truest self, and I did! Before joining, I felt uncertain. I was busy trying to find where in our society an older woman like me fits. Now, I know it's okay to create my own place and to honor my true self with love. And the magic! The rituals and spells in The Venus Codes returned me to the magic I had forgotten. This program is perfect for those of us who have forgotten the power of womanhood, lost in the societal structures which define us, especially as we age." - Trisha
"I have found that by doing the morning Venus ritual practice and weekly gratitude practice I have been less critical of myself and overall more happy, relaxed, and spending more time doing things I find to bring me pleasure and joy.” - Leanne
“Not even three hours after the Venus Codes ceremony, my boss called to give me a totally unexpected quarterly bonus! This literally feels like magic." - Lauren
My Story

I’m an unreasonably fulfilled astrologer and life coach who spends roughly 20 hours a week on my business, where I get to play with magic and help amazing women change their own lives.
I spend the rest of my time singing and laughing with my baby, loving my wonderful husband, reading for pleasure, writing fiction and poetry, performing spells, hanging out with my coven, cooking and eating good food, shopping, exploring new hobbies, and wandering around the woods where I now live in Vermont.
But it wasn’t always like this.
Until I put real time and effort into releasing old conditioning and developing self-love and confidence, and began to truly understand the energetics of manifestation...
I was a driven perfectionist and a people-pleaser.
I didn’t know what I really wanted, or even what I liked.
I roped myself to an exhausting schedule and denied myself pleasure.
I could barely receive a compliment, let alone a gift of abundance from the universe!
When I finally began to untangle this “good girl” conditioning that had kept me from my divine intuition, and connected with my inner Venus, my life changed for good.
I started centering my pleasure and allowing myself to experience ease, and as a result, I created the authentic, fulfilling life that I live now.
I have helped my private coaching clients develop their self-confidence and connect with their feminine side in my astro-empowerment coaching programs, and Venus has often been an instrumental part of that.
Now I want to share The Venus Codes with you, so that you too can enjoy true pleasure, abundance and fulfillment in all areas of your life.
THE VENUS CODES is a self-paced immersion to unlock your divine feminine power so you can experience a life full of love, pleasure, ease, and abundance.
When your feminine power is balanced with your masculine, you get to be in the most authentic expression of yourself, and create the life of your dreams.
This program is not just going to give you a set of pre-written self-love affirmations and leave you feeling even worse about yourself while you repeat words you don’t believe yet.
You’re not going to get a bunch of lean-in confidence talk, dating and relationship advice you’ve heard before, a “good vibes only” explanation of the Law of Attraction, or a lesson in astrology that you can’t apply to your real life.
Because you’ve already been to all of those parties, and they haven’t helped you.
This cosmic coaching container is a mystical banquet of transformative experiences and practices that will give you the ability to create a life of pleasurable ease and manifest your desires on repeat.
You will receive life-changing journeys through Venus’ gates of feminine power, magical rituals and practices you can use over and over again, and live coaching to transform your experience to one of joy.
Are you ready to connect with your inner Venus and become the relaxed, joyful, fulfilled person you’ve always known you could be?
The Gates
In The Venus Codes, you will be walking through seven gates of feminine power.
Gate 1: Love
Upgrade your self-love and embody your unique Venus energy.
- Release perfectionist tendencies and old stories that keep you from seeing your own worthiness.
- Open and infuse the heart chakra with loving energy.
- Learn your Venus love language and develop a self-love ritual for your Venus placement.
- Receive a personal self-love mantra and embodiment practice that will help you continue to integrate the energetic work.
Gate 2: Pleasure
Enjoy the sensual experience of life on Earth.
- Change limiting beliefs about pleasure and its value
- Understand where you’re not allowing yourself to experience pleasure, and open the way for more satisfaction
- Play with the sign of Taurus to connect with your sensuality
- Meet and be mentored by your higher, fully-satisfied, self
Gate 3: Beauty
Develop your aesthetic and cast a glamour spell.
- Recognize and release cultural conditioning around beauty
- Understand the values that drive your aesthetic and learn what you like
- Play with the sign of Libra to shift perspective from object of beauty to creatrix
- Enhance your attraction with Venusian glamour magic
Gate 4: Creation
Embody The Empress and embrace creative play.
- Expand your understanding of creativity and the astrological 5th house
- Get in touch with your Muse to receive inspiration
- Activate an inner child healing to reconnect with fun
- Develop a playful creative practice that fits your lifestyle
Gate 5: Abundance
Cultivate an abundance mindset to create a prosperous life.
- Clear scarcity-based beliefs that keep you small, stuck, and scared
- Cultivate beliefs that help you call in more and enjoy what you have
- Learn about your wealth blueprint through the 2nd and 8th houses
- Receive a manifestation practice customized to your Venus sign
Gate 6: Receiving
Channel your divine feminine and learn to receive the gifts with ease.
- Raise your receiving threshold and calm your nervous system to allow more in
- Learn when to rest and when to act, through the art of inspired action
- Play with the 11th house to let good things come to you
- Cultivate a powerful presence that magnetizes people and resources
Gate 7: Connection
Connect with others and call in romance with Venus.
- Let go of limiting beliefs around love and open the way for stronger connections
- Embody your next reality by becoming the partner you wish to be
- Visit your 7th house of relationship and meet a Venusian guide who can help you
- Enhance your opportunities with Venus and magically attract the love you desire
Here's what you will receive in this program
--> 7 modules with videos, downloads, exercises, and journal questions to activate your Venus Codes and walk you through the gates of feminine power
--> Guided Meditation to help you connect with the Goddess Venus
--> My Daily Venus ritual to improve the effects of Venus on your life
Plus, some Special Bonuses!
BONUS Venus Activation
BONUS Ritual
BONUS Spells for Love & Abundance
Q: Is this program for me if I don’t know anything about astrology?
A: Yes! You don’t need to have any background in astrology to participate in this program. The concepts we play with are simple and fun.
Q: Is this program for me if I’m an expert in astrology?
A: Yes! This will be a new way of understanding and playing with Venus and your astrology. The energetic practices, mindset work, and magic we’ll be exploring all go way beyond chart interpretation.
Q: Will you be available to support me in this program?
A: The Venus Codes is now an on-demand, self-study program. Please contact me if you experience any technical issues, but I am no longer live coaching this program.
Q: Can you guarantee my results?
A: The methods in this program are all methods I have used myself to create a fulfilling life full of love, pleasure, and abundance. These are techniques you can use throughout the program and beyond, so that you can manifest and receive what you desire. However, I can’t guarantee your results because they depend on you showing up and engaging fully with this work.
If you have more questions, feel free to DM me @brittany.pastuhov on Instagram!